Many churches don’t like to talk about it, but raising money and allowing a church to grow financially is critically important – in fact, without finance, a church can easily blink out of existence. There are costs that many visitors won’t even consider – lighting, heating, building maintenance, the cost of equipment, printing documents, and even the coffee they drink before or after the service.
A church that struggles with its finances is ineffective. While the focus should never be primarily on money, never forget that you can only do what you do when the bills are paid.
Here are our top 10 tips for churches that want to grow financially and raise money.
1) Get everyone on board – from the senior pastor to the cleaning team, everyone should be aware of and understand the church’s financial goals. If it’s seen that the church is trying to raise money, but there is no understanding as to why, it can create resentment.
2) Have a clear and concise budget – know exactly where every penny is going and make sure that your spending aligns with your goals.
3) Keep your congregation informed – be transparent about your finances and let people know how their donations are being used. People are more willing to give when they know that their gift will be looked after and used in a beneficial way.
4) Make it easy to give – set up online giving, text-to-give, make your bank account details easy to find. The easier you make it for people to give, the more likely they are to do so. Don’t forget to give people the option to give anonymously – some people may not be comfortable giving openly, but would still like to contribute financially. Allow for this by setting up an anonymous giving option, which can be as simple as providing envelopes for them to put cash in for the collection.
5) Diversify your income streams – don’t rely on just one or two sources of income, look for ways to bring in money from a variety of sources. If you have a coffee shop, open it on days outside of Sunday. Rent out rooms for local groups to use. Consider holding special events such as concerts or workshops that people would be willing to pay to attend.
6) Be mindful of your marketing – make sure that any materials you produce (e.g. flyers, website, social media) communicate the value of your church and what it does well. If you’re not clear about what you offer, people won’t understand why they should give to you.
7) Run capital campaigns sparingly – while they can be effective, they can also burn out your congregation if they’re done too often. Asking for financial support is fine, but asking every week for gifts over and above the usual tithes and offerings can become a burden. Capital campaigns should be limited to a couple of times a year and always for a specific need or event.
8) Keep your costs down – this may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to be mindful of how much you’re spending. There’s no need to spend extravagantly on anything – be frugal where you can and invest in things that will help you save money.
9) Don’t be afraid to ask for help – there are a lot of people and organizations out there that specialize in helping churches grow financially. You can apply for grants for specific purposes, and some grants might even be available for general support (although these can be hard to find). Get our guide to applying for grants here.
10) Pray and trust God – this should be number one, but it’s worth repeating. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as you navigate the finances of your church. Ultimately, He is in control and He will provide for His church. Have faith and trust that He will lead you in the right direction.
Event Ideas for Raising Money
If you want to run an event to raise money for your church, consider the following.
1) A car wash is always a popular choice – people are always looking to get their cars cleaned, so this is a service that they’re likely to be willing to pay for. Just make sure that you have enough space to set up, and that you have enough staff on hand to ensure that the event runs smoothly.
2) A bake sale is another great option – everyone loves food, so this is an easy way to raise money. Just be sure to have a good selection of baked goods on offer, and make sure that they’re well-priced so that people are encouraged to buy.
3) A “garage sale” is a great way to clear out some of the unwanted items from your church, and you can make some money while you’re at it. You can even ask people to clear out their own garages and donate any suitable items. Just be sure to advertise the event well in advance, and make sure that people know where the proceeds are going.
4) A movie night is a great way to raise funds and have a bit of fun at the same time. Choose a popular film, and charge an entry fee. You can even add in some snacks and drinks for people to enjoy during the movie. Just make sure that you have the necessary licenses in place to show the film.
5) A sports tournament is a great way to get people involved and raise money at the same time. You could hold a football tournament, a golf tournament, or even a bowling tournament. Just make sure that you have enough prizes on offer to make it worth people’s while, and that you charge an entry fee.
6) A talent show is always popular – people love to show off their talents, and you can charge an entry fee for people to watch. You could even add in a voting system so that people can vote for their favorite act, and the winner could receive a prize. Just make sure that you have enough acts lined up, and that you promote the event well in advance.
7) A fashion show is a great way to raise money and showcase some of the latest trends. You can ask local boutiques and designers to donate items, and you can charge an entry fee for people to watch the show. You could even add in a voting system so that people can vote for their favorite outfit, and the winner could receive a prize.
8) A raffle is always a popular choice – people love the chance to win prizes, so this is a great way to raise money. Just make sure that you have enough prizes on offer!
9) An auction is a great way to raise money, and you can Auction off anything from donated items to experiences. Always set a reserve price so that you don’t end up selling items for less than they’re worth.
10) A sponsored walk, run, or cycle is a great way to get people involved and raise money at the same time. You could set a route and get people to sponsor you for every mile that you complete. Just make sure that you promote the event well in advance, and that you have a good selection of prizes on offer.
With a bit of creativity, there are endless possibilities for raising money for your church. Just be sure to choose an event that will appeal to your congregation and potentially your local non-churchgoing community too.
If you want your church to be financially healthy and sustainable, it’s important to grow in your stewardship and fundraising efforts. Use these tips and ideas to get started on the right path.