Photography has the ability to capture moments and memories that can last a lifetime. A picture is worth a thousand words, and when it comes to church social media, good photography can make all the difference.
People are visual creatures, and studies have shown that posts with images receive more engagement than those without. In fact, on Facebook, posts with images receive 87% more interactions than those without.
Twitter isn’t immune to the power of photography either. In fact, tweets with images receive more clicks, more favourites, and many more retweets than tweets without images.
Instagram is a visual platform, so it goes without saying that good photography is a must. Posts with clear and vibrant images receive far more interactions than those with poor photos.
The takeaway from all this? Good photography matters, especially when it comes to church social media. Here are a few tips to help you take your photography game up a notch:
1. Use natural light whenever possible. Sunlight can work wonders for photography.
2. Get close to your subject. This will help you capture all the details and create a more intimate photo.
3. Be aware of your surroundings. A cluttered background can distract from the main subject of your photo.
4. Edit wisely. A little bit of editing can go a long way in terms of improving your photos. But be careful not to overdo it – too much editing can make a photo look fake and inauthentic.
5. Have fun! photography should be enjoyable, so make sure to have fun with it.
Following these tips will help you take your photography game up a notch and create church social media posts that are sure to engage your audience.
Kickstarting Your Church Photography Team
The key to great photos isn’t the equipment, it’s knowing how to use what you have. What settings to use, how to compose a photo, and how to edit. But photography isn’t just about taking a good photo, it’s also about connecting with people. If you can elicit a smile that is warm and genuine, it’s a picture that will make a massive impact.
That’s why it’s important to find the right people for your team – people who have a passion for people just as much as they have a passion for photography.
Here are a few quick tips for building an effective photography team:
1. Clearly define the vision and purpose of your team. What is the goal of your photography? Who is your target audience?
2. Train your team members. Invest in their development by providing resources and training that will help them grow in their photography skills.
3. Create a system for sharing photos. This will help team members stay organized and ensure that everyone has access to the photos they need. Dropbox, Google Drive, or virtually any cloud storage system can make it very easy.
4. Celebrate successes. Make sure to celebrate the wins, big and small, of your photography team. This will help keep morale high and team members motivated.
Building an effective photography team is essential for taking your church’s photography to the next level.
Be Careful
Legally (in the UK at least) you can take a photo that includes a person in a public space, and because it is a public space, you’re allowed to use the image as you see fit. The law is a little more specific than that, but you get the idea.
However, there are people who visit your church who won’t want their photos taken or used. It could be numerous reasons – the way they think they look, the fact they’re under police protection, foster parents protecting their foster children, and so on.
It may seem like an almighty pain, but check with people that they’re OK with you using their likeness for your social media or any promotional materials. Most will say yes, but you’ll save a lot of trouble and heartache by getting it right the first time.
Take Great Shots
Quality photography can make a big difference for your church social media. By following these tips, you can take your photography game up a notch and create posts that are sure to engage your audience.
And don’t forget – when in doubt, always ask before you shoot!
If you’d like to discover more about using your camera (or even picking a camera to purchase) and how to take fantastic shots, check out this link – Photography Masterclass.